Clayton antitrust act 1914

An act to supplement existing laws against unlawful restraints and monopolies, and. The clayton antitrust act of 1914 was a part of united states antitrust law with the goal of adding further substance to the u. In 1914, congress passed two additional antitrust laws. The act supplemented and strengthened the sherman act of 1890, an existing antitrust bill that had failed to effectively regulate the massive corporations. Enacted in 1890, the sherman act had been the first federal law intended to protect consumers by outlawing monopolies, cartels, and trusts. Whereas the sherman act only declared monopoly illegal, the clayton act defined as illegal certain business practices that are conductive to the formation of monopolies or that result from them. The act defines unethical business practices, such as. The clayton antitrust act 1914 carnegie mellon university.

What presidential action illustrated the limits of woodrow wilsons progressivism. The clayton antitrust act of 1914, was enacted on october 15, 1914, with a goal of strengthening provisions of the sherman antitrust act. The clayton antitrust act is a piece of legislation passed by the u. The clayton antitrust act is a united states antitrust law that was enacted in 1914 with the goal of strengthening the sherman antitrust act. The clayton antitrust act us house of representatives. Clayton antitrust act summary, history, significance. Note also that a, b, and 21a comprise the robinsonpatman price discrimination act 1936.

Congress passed the first antitrust law, the sherman act, in 1890 as a comprehensive charter of economic liberty aimed at preserving free and unfettered competition as the rule of trade. United states code title 15 commerce and trade chapter 1 monopolies and combinations. The clayton antitrust act of 1914, codified at 15 u. The clayton antitrust act is an amendment passed by u. Clayton antitrust act, law enacted in 1914 by the united states congress to clarify and strengthen the sherman antitrust act. The clayton antitrust act of 1914 accomplished all of the following except providing longterm legal protection for unions to engage in organizing, collective bargaining, and strike activities. The clayton antitrust act 1914 the clayton antitrust act is comprised of 12, 1419, 20, 21, 2227 of title 15. Congress in 1914 that provides further clarification and substance to the sherman antitrust act of 1890 on topics. Enacted in 1890 it was fairly limited in scope and was intended to prohibit unscrupulous business practices that. The clayton act of 1914 outlawed or curtailed several specific business practices considered to be unreasonable attempts to restrain trade or commerce. The newly created federal trade commission enforced the clayton antitrust act and prevented unfair methods of competition. This interactive quiz will help you assess how well you understand the clayton antitrust act of 1914. Some sections have been edited or eliminated because of space concerns. The clayton act sought to enhance and address weaknesses in the sherman act by preventing such unfair or anti.

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